Fashion in terms of jewelry in the 17th and 18th century in France is certainly the Bow.
Gilles L'Egaré one of the finest jewelry maker of Louis XIV's century created the L'Egaré bow. It is a brooch in shape of a double ribbon bow , usually made of gold or silver, diamonds and precious stones. It was pined on the woman top, centrally position to attract the eye.
Madame de Sévigné is certainly the most well known lady to wear this bow.
This brooch is a true replica of the one you can admire in Museum of Arts in Paris.
I reduced slightly the size. 6x6 cm
It is made of zinc alloy and is Nickel free.
The beautiful yellow green rhine stones I chose give it a vintage look and a wonderful aspect.
No wonder we wear this jewel on the neckline to hold the lace, when we know that his name is also the "tâtez-y."....